Category: Leadership

Help, I Need Somebody


What if I am wrong? What if the one thing that I am promoting, advocating, and even “betting the ranch” on might actually turn out to be completely wrong.   Like a recurring nightmare where the foundational understanding and assumption doesn’t hold up and the whole plan or endeavor is doomed to failure.   There is no shortage of historic blunders where leaders were blinded to this possibility and led their followers wholeheartedly into disaster.


And yet, leaders who start off meetings or even worse pre-launch motivational speeches with, “last night it occurred to me that our whole approach is quite possibly built…

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Givers Finish Last … And First


Are you a giver or a taker? Or perhaps a matcher who operates on the principle of reciprocity? Most of us might respond, “it depends.” In relational settings like family and community we would like to be the thought of as a giver. Though upon careful reflection and some honest feedback we might discover even among loved ones we are, at best, a matcher.  But perhaps in the more competitive areas of our life, like work, we would be more comfortable being labeled a matcher or even a taker.  In those competitive environments we probably feel that being a giver…

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The Moments of Your Life


There are random events, conversations, and songs that trigger nostalgic feelings.  At those times we tend to remember impressions or moments from the past much more than a clearly defined timeline of everything that happened. Even though the memories are incomplete and probably not wholly accurate, they are emotionally powerful. In the Heath brother’s latest book, The Power of Moments, they explore why certain moments not only stay with us but shape us as well.

We tend to remember the best or worst moments of an experience (the peak) and the ending (peak-end). When people recall…Read more.

The Invisible Hand of Leadership


“Setting oneself on a predetermined course in unknown waters is the perfect way to sail straight into an iceberg.” Henry Mintzberg

Adam Smith, often cited as the father of modern capitalism, introduced the idea of an economic “invisible hand” that helps demand and supply in a free market to reach equilibrium.  Smith argued that market forces naturally do the necessary work to keep economies in balance.  One of the great debates among economists is how much economic intervention is healthy and necessary.  At what point do government policies bolster and at what point…

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Is It Wrong to Want Better Leaders


I found myself getting more depressed as I visited with family members at a recent gathering.  Conversations around the question, “so how is your work going?” followed a similar pattern. An initial expression that said, “that is the last thing I want to talk about” followed by a grudging indirect comment that things could be better, leading to a tidal wave of complaints. The conversations also had one other thing in common.  The complaints didn’t relate to the type of work performed but all related to the work environment with the primary culprit being the manager. Perhaps I am biased since…

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